
  1. Software Engineer L2

    Tekarsh - MarginEdge

    Responsibilities include:

    • Tech Stack: Java, Spring Boot, AWS, PostgreSQL, React, Typescript, Javascript, AngularJS, SCSS
    • Implemented 30+ new features to the Enterprise Application
    • Improved overall security by integrating Auth0 MFA to the application
    • Migrated a critical module from AngularJS to React, reducing the number of API calls by 60%
    • Implemented a multi tenant API, improving the response time by 50%
    • Enhanced existing electronic ordering functionality using AWS Lambdas and State Machines to introduce seamless user experience
    • Implemented 15+ REST API endpoints, and developed AWS step functions, Lambdas and CDKs for multiple new features
    • Implemented a fast and standard developer portal using React and API Gateway, reducing the number of support tickets by 10%
  2. Software Engineer

    REVE Systems

    Responsibilities include:

    • Tech Stack: Java, Spring Boot, Python, MySQL, VisualVM, Vue js, Node js, Redis
    • Implemented a high-speed billing authorization server capable of handling in excess of 10K transactions per second
    • Integrated IVR(Interactive Voice Response) and gTTS(Google Text-to-Speech) for automated quick text-to-speech translations
    • Performed memory leak investigation using VisualVM and managed to reduce memory overhead up to 5%
    • Refactored iTel Switch server to add better code readability and enhanced the processing speed up to 2x
  3. Co-Founder

    Sohopathi (Mainframe Labs)


  1. BSc in Computer Science and Engineering

    Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

    Thesis on Bioinformatics algorithms. Supervised by Prof Dr Md Saidur Rahman. Presented paper at 12th ICECE an IEEE conference.

    Courses included: - Bioinformatics, Artificial Intelligence, Data Structure and Algorithms - Machine Learning, Computer Architecture, Computer Networks - Software Engineering, Operating System, Computer Security, High Performance Database System

    Read Thesis
Skills & Hobbies
Technical Skills
Machine Learning
The Best paper Honorable Mention at CHI’2021 for ‘Unmochon’
CHI conference ∙ November 2021
For research project Unmochon.
Runner up in 7th NSysS poster presentation
NSysS ∙ January 2021
presented a heuristic algorithm as poster
2nd runner-up at project showcase competition, CSE Fest, BUET
buet ∙ January 2017
Implemented a flappy bird replica project using c programming and iGraphics
15th in BUET Admission test 2015-2016
buet ∙ November 2015
Nationally ranked 15th in a competitive exam and got selected to BUET, the top most engineering university in Bangladesh.
3rd in National Science Olympiad ‑ 2015
DU ∙ February 2015
Nationally ranked 3rd in a competitive olympiad in Bangladesh.