ParkIn: A Smart Parking App
The number of personal vehicles usage is increasing manifold. People prefer personal vehicles to commute than depend on public transportation. Finding a parking space in most metropolitan areas, especially during the rush hours, is difficult for drivers. Due to this there is a need to provide sufficient parking places coupled with plenty of slots to help the user park his vehicle safely, also to ensure the user does not end up parking on non-parking area and cause discomfort to pedestrian.Due to this there is a need to provide sufficient parking places coupled with plenty of slots to help the user park his vehicle safely, also to ensure the user does not end up parking on non-parking area and cause discomfort to pedestrian. The idea behind our Android Application- “ParkIn” is to help the user analyse area’s where parking is available and number of slots free in that area.Additionally, the user can pre-book a slot in the area he desires for some consecutive days (along with the daily service) if it is available. This will help reduce the load on the administrator as his physical work reduces drastically and user can search the parking slot through Android Application.User can pay after completion of parking service he received. “ParkIn” Application relieves the user from the hassle of manually searching and waiting for empty slots to park the vehicle.
Nov 9, 2020